As rightly said every occupation is as brutal as war. People suffer as immensely as people of the war. Kashmir is no different than any other war-torn country of the history. The struggle Kashmiris faced to liberate themselves from the brutal Dogra occupation was ripped apart by the leaders who were at the forefront of the movement. Oppression has been the brutal tool of the occupier to keep the occupation going. The tool India used to oppress the Kashmiris is new to the history among all the past occupations. Post 5 August 2019 people has been anaesthetized to be unresponsive and unconscious to the pain caused by the unilateral development by the brutal occupier. The only thing people are left with is to watch their blood ridden body without making a noise. The occupation has been so kind to the people that it did allow people to make an effort to remain under persistent influence of anesthesia and unresponsive to pain inflicting treatment of the occupier.